Friday, November 28, 2008

because my friends are SOO cool.

haha so i was reading one of my ealier posts were i was talking about my friends and well... i kinda like talking about my friends! They are so cool so how can i not talk about them? ;D

so here we go....

Shes sooo awesome. Shes shorter than me, which is pretty amazing. She likes egypt stuffs and she wants to be an egyptologist which i know how to spell now YAY! XD Shes a really smart girl. Shes good at math which is something i'm not very good at. Shes someone i can totally go to if i need help with that! Shes very talented and has a wonderfuls singing voice!! Me and her are going to be in the musical! She was in he musical last year too!! She can sing, she can act, and she can draw like me too!! She can aslo dance! We go to dance together!! Shes smart and talented!!

Me and her have been friends for a while. At first i didn't really accept her friendship due to complications with other people, but we just couldn't be seperated! i accpeted her friendship and we eventually became pretty good friends. We have a lot in common yet were also quite different. We are both into anime and that kind of stuff =D And i totally got her into NASCAR ;D

Shes so fun to be around! Shes a great person and she knows where shes going in life. She has very distinct goals i think, which is nice to have. She knows what she wants. Just being near her puts me in a good mood and keeps me smiling ^^

Shes pretty awesomes! She lives in florida, which where i happen to be while typing this! haha! Although shes still far away from where i am staying. 4 hours D:

Anyway, i love mc.nealz and i dunno why i'm writing her name with a z at the end but its fun to say. Mc.nealz is the kind of person that will deffinitly listen to you if you have something to say. She may not always help you or make you feel better, but she will listen which is what is nice about her. I hate it when people don't listen to me when i'm talking to them. Mc.neal tries to be polite and nice and most of the time she succecds! Thats just the kind of person she is, which makes her really enjoyable to be around.

Shes adorable even though shes really tall, and shes always watching out for herself and others. Shes kinda like a mommy!! No wonder she is so great with kids! She knows what kind of person she is and shes not ever gonna change, which is something about her thats really cool! Shes a strong person.

I met her a few years ago and i talk to her all the time! A day without talking to her is like a day without breathing. It just feels wrong. So sometimes if i know that i won't be on the computer i might try to call her but she doesn't like to answer her phone that much, ha. I love talking to her so much. She is my rp buddy which is great because it allows me to use my creativity and have fun with her!!

Shes a really really REALLY smart person. She is probably the smartest person i know. She constanly has straight A's and shes a big time study person.

Mc.nealz is pretty cool, so don't mess wit her ;P

Toni is pretty awesome too!!! Shes a VERY different person... I wouldn't doubt if she was actually crazy, but she wouldn't mind XD She is a pyromaniac, she has OCD with multiples of 3, she is sometimes ACCIDENTLY a whore, she is really clumsy and constantly trips over invisible things, and shes masochistic...which is kinda scary. XDD

Shes always fun to be around because chances are she'll do something like fall over and randomly start on fire. Thats just how cool she is, hahahaa! Shes the kind of person that sticks a light match in her mouth because she forgot it was light, twice.

On a daily basis you can find her randomly covered in a flammable liquid, in a giant box, watching movies, on fire, hunting for treasure, shoveling snow off the road, and other random stuff along those lines.

She giggles a lot to, though she won't say she does XD Shes REALLY fun to be around and besides all the strange things she does, she really does have a sense of logic, but only when she wants it XD She is also the kind of person who will do anything for you. Its nice to have a friend like that.

Rich is soo amazing. He is HALARIOUS! He is a really werid kid. I hang out with him a lot and he always has something new to say. Most of the time he is off somewhere doing something weird and scarying multiple people. He likes songs that you normaly wouldn't expect him to like. He also likes making his own versions of some songs.

He takes random things in his life and shapes them into something else that has stupid meaning, like the war with kentucky for example. Kentucky didn't mean ANYTHING to us until this year and now that it does, even seeing a poster that says kentucky on us now suddenly has meaning beyond just a poster, thanks to him.

He always makes me laugh even all he is doing is making strange noises. He likes to play brawl, and of course he got me into it and now we have brawl parties constantly.

He is going to be in this years musical with me and vicki YAY!! Thats going to be SO much fun.
One thing i really like about rich is that even though he is probably the least serious person i know, he also can be serious when he needs to be.

i have more to mention but of course i have lost my interst in writing this...i shall finish later.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Me is All I Can Be

So, theres this girl, ohkay? Shes 16 and short. Shes not the prettiest girl around, nor the smartest, but shes guranteed to make you laugh.

Her hair is short and brown with random yellow highlights thoughout it. Its not usually styled in any unique way, it just kind of sits on her head.

She doesn't wear make-up or do anything special to herself before she goes out. She beleives that what you see is what you get.

Shes into the whole anime thing and can often be found drawing little doodles in that kind of style. She wants to become more serious about her drawing and thinks shes pretty good, but she also thinks that she has a long way to go. She is deffinitly her worst critic.

Shes a creative kind of person who always seems to be off in her own world. She likes that world better than the real one.

She plays trumpet and has a nice trumpet lesson dude who brags about her saying things like "The girl I teach is a little 5 foot nothing kid who is the trumpet section leader!". He must be proud of her, although she can't always find it in herself to see how good she really is.

She somewhat lacks confidence and she is far from perfect, but she is a mostly happy girl.

She likes history and english a lot more than science or math. Shes that kind of person. She hates math the most. Theres something about it that she just has a hard time understanding, and her teachers have never been able to help her no matter how hard they tired or how much help she seeked. She doesn't mind though. She just needs to try the best that she can.

She likes to dance. Shes been in dance classes since the age of 3. First it was ballet and tap, then ballet tap and jazz, and now shes in hip hop classes with one of her friends. She deffinitly enjoys it, but she doesn't fit the steryotype that most girls in dance have.

She's not a girly girl, but not exactly a tom boy at the same time. All she is is herself and she realized that that is all she can be.

She has some enemies, though she has plenty of friends as well.

Her friends are some of the most important people to her. Her friends, and herself, are all strange sort of people but she couldn't be happier with them. She has gone though losing a whole group of friends before, but she can tell that this group of friends would never do such a thing. She has real friends now. Real friends that like her for her.

Shes a junior in highschool now, and she deffinitly likes it. She likes most of her classes and deffinitly enjoys listening to her history teachers. They are very good teachers and they make class enjoyable.

She also goes camping almost every weekend. Sometimes she complains about it, as do her friends, but deep down somewhere she knows she really enjoys it. She even works at the campground she goes to know, and enjoys her job there as well.

She enjoys making new friends, and her favorite color is green. She loves to eat food all the time, and she may even try to steal your food.

Sometimes she says things she doesn't mean, or sometimes she can come off as a bit scary or rude, but in the end she tires to be a nice caring person. She cares about others much more than herself, which is as much of a good thing as it is a bad thing. Sometimes she should think more about herself and what she likes to do rather than dwel about whats going on with her friends.

She beleives in God and goes to chruch as often as she can, which during the summer is not very often. She prays usually every night unless she forgets, but she should try harder not to forget.

Her name is Cheryl. She is me, and me is all I can be.

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Kayyyy soooo all my lovley friends got pretty blog things so i wanna right one know. i PROBABLY won't use this much but ehh...ya never know XDDD

SO ANYWAYS my name is Cheryl i'm 16 nowww i get my drivers licence in october~
a lot of my friends already have theirs though. stupid IL and there changing of laws. lol yah i live in IL XD

So...i'm kinda boring so i'm gonna stop talking about myself and start talking about some of my friends cuz i love them XD

and now that i think to myself... i only have 2 best friends. if you asked me before i would have said 4...but they aren't really best they are just close i suppose ANYWAYZ....

Shes amazing. Shes a lot like me and very different from me at the same time. ain't that cool? We often use are amazing telepathic skills to know what each other is going to say even before we say it and at times we say the same things at the same time. She is the only (besides my sister) that can do this with me. We are either really close or we just think alike XDD coudld be both.

I met her in 3rd or 4th grade and we talked in spanish and then she caught up with me again in 6th grade although i didn't like her then but thats because i'm a sucky person. WELLL actually...i did like her, but my other friends didn't so i tired to ignore her. D: i'm such a horrible person. I was so afraid of what they thought, BUT NOW those people aren't my friends anymore and i couldn't be happier. And vicki become on of my best friends ever!!! I really started talking to her in 7th grade during lunch and we always sat together! XD Vicki is also part of the reason why i'm not afraid to be me anymore. I used to be, but thanks to her all i am is me and thats all i ever will be.

Its impossible to not have fun when vicki is around. She makes me laugh and shes just an all around fun person! And no matter what happens she'll always be important to me and i love her! <3 SHE WORKS AT SIX FLAGS! amazing, no? XD

NEXTTTTT, my other best friend, IS MC.NEALZ! XD
Shes pretty awesome too! i met her around...uhh i dunno 4 years ago maybe? back when i was in 8th grade XD I randomly found her on a wonderful website called Deviant art and i talked to her once and i've talked to her ever since. lol yes, i met her over the internet!

She lives in florida!! I was fortunate enough to go to florida one year to go see her! We went swimming in the ocean which was scary but she didn't think so and we drew pictures and uhh did...other stuff XDD And then she had to go home D: but i got to see her house!! its adorable.

And then this summer she came to IL and chilled with vicki and me!! that was a lot of fun. she got to see me marching and crap at band camp, although it was probably kinda boring. oh well!! She also came to six flags with me and vicki and she was terrified to go on raging bull and V2. XDD she cried! D: i felt bad for her but i also found it funny at the same time haha... XD

SO ANYWAY shes just a great friend and shes fun to talk to and i wish i can see her again sometime soon <3

the first one i shall talk about is...shelby!
I met her in 8th grade and i talked to her only a few times and we almost imiditally became great friends. We were always together, she liked to draw, i liked to draw. We liked a lot of the same stuff and she was such a dork! She always had intereseting stories to tell about her family and she was deffinitaly her own person.

Her family was kinda broken and her house was small, they didn't have much money, and her siblings are evil even though when she was still in IL she only had beanz, but she always seemed to look on the good side of things and she didn't complain much. She really didn't care about that kind of stuff. AND SHE HATES GETTING HER PICTURE TAKEN!

Me and her laughed a lot!
After my freshman year though she moved to texas. She tends to move a lot so i figured it would happen eventually but i didn't know it would have been that soon. I miss her but we still keep in touch. I'm happy i was able to become a good friend of hers.

Richard has just become one of my good close friends sometime last year and i'm so glad. HE IS HYSTERICAL!!! He ALWAYS makes me laugh and i tend to make him laugh quite a lot too. Its cuz we laugh at stupid things.

He is fun to be around and we tend to agree on a lot of things. We play hackidu together and enjoy (or try to enjoy) band together and whenever he is around your pretty much guranteeded a good time.

And the great thing about him is that even though he seems to be a very not serious person, he actually can be serious when he needs to be!!

Toni is........toni. thats all i can really say. Shes a pyromaniac, clumsy idiot, and a masochistic freak all in one. yah....shes kinda scary. But that also means that when all of that gets combined she can be pretty interesting as well is extremly amusing. XDD

Theres things she does that well...kinda upset me somtimes and theres things she does that kinda dissapoints me sometimes but shes still one of my good friends. Getting past all the things that makes me upset i know she cares about me and she'd do anything for me.

END OF CLOSE FRIENDS, but is still have some people to talk about....

Now that i think about it i suppose i consider them kind of family. maybe because i see them EVERY WEEKEND and we are always together? well here they are...

first theres katie. shes younger than me but thats ohkay. Shes pretty cool and funny sometimes but shes more of a serious person and she doesn't make jokes like i do but she also knows not to take everything seriously. shes kinda sarcastic and is also very laid back. She is often found wearing a hat. shes a sports junkie and likes to play lots of sportsy things.

AND THEN theres her brother daniel.
hes....honestly, kinda like katie XD sarcastic, laid back, sportsy, always wears a hat, although he tends to be less serious and he likes to joke around a lot more. but that makes sense he IS younger than her after all.

When hes with his friends you DEFFNITALY don't wanna be around him though. he goes into "IM A VERY ANNOYING PERSON" mode. but hes ohkay otherwise :)

AND THEN THERES SOME PEOPLE THAT GROWING UP I ACTUALLY THOUGHT WAS MY FAMILY...but it turns out they were just extreamly good friends and i saw them all the time. i consider them family anyway.

FIRST! jackie, anna, and jimmy.

Jackie is just one year older than me and i've known her since i was a baby! i'm dead serious. we grew up with each other. Then my sister was born and then anna was born so i grew up with her too. Many years past and then jimmy was born! he is just going in to 5th grade i beleive, and honestly i don't really like him but i can't bring myself to hate him cuz like i said, he is sorta like family XD Jimmy just happens to be a little too......insane. and it nearly cost him his life once.

i haven't know them for as long as the first peoples and i never saw them as often but i still used to think they were my cousins for the longest time XDD they live in wisconsion and they are amazing. Jenn is my age and she plays drums! ;D and stephy is my sisters age.

And then i have some other friends that i'll mention but not in detail.

Savannah is strange shes pretty cool.

Olivia is strange too and richards girlfriend. she can be pretty funny XD

Phil is pretty awesome. He used to be in colorgaurd and he can make me laugh no matter WHAT the situation. I could be so upset and crying and he can still make me smile and even laugh.

Courtney is fun to be around and she gives me hugs a lot. she is aelita 2. vicki was the first aelita XD

Cheyenne is my super amazing trumpet buddy.

Stephanie is pretty awesome and deffinitly fun to talk to.

Cailey is a whore. but shes still amusing.

Lizzy is amazing. She is ulrich hehe.

Pooh bear is kinda annoying but not so bad cuz he can be kinda funny sometimes XD

uhmm...THE END! XD